Hounsi Zetwal

My Name is Hounsi Zetwal aka Cleo-Mar Pagan. I began Botanica Ezili after being called for so long to become a healer. I knew that I was meant to heal the masses when my hand were able to heal the aches and pains of many. This was later confirmed when I began my journey in espiritismo. I had a deep connection with the spirits and could channel them with much ease. They whispered in my ears the remedies you see here on my site. 

Growing up, I noticed that a lot of people would only take care of the physical health, sometimes the mental, but often neglected the social and spiritual health. in a world like The one we live in, it is very easy to forget to take time and care for the four aspects of health which are mind, body Social and spirit. we move so fast and tend to forget ourselves. I too, am a victim of that. However I was called to be a reminder to those who forget that health is more than just the physical.


On top of that I was also told by my ancestors to help remind people of ancient remedies and traditions practice by my people throughout the centuries. Modern medicine is so important and vital to human life however, the same can be said about herbal medicines and curanderismo rites and traditions. It is important for them to go hand-in-hand. For optimal, body function one should be utilizing modern medicine and herbal techniques to maintain peak, physical health. We should not rely too much on one or the other as if we rely too much on modern medicine overtime it overloads our organs and causes damage; and if we rely too much on herbal medicine we might miss important diagnoses and important treatment that herbal remedies cannot provide. That is why I was called to begin my business. 

On top of this I am a Hounsi at Societe Freda Sirene © Which means that I possess the knowledge to utilize some magic, and divination in Haitian Vodou. I work closely under the tutelage of my godmother, mentor, and dear friend Manbo Sutuni Dahomey. A Haitian American Manbo who has truly taught me so much. Together, we formulated the idea of creating The Ezili Collection. I cannot tell you the countless amount of times the Ezili’s have come down to aid me, protect me, or bless me. I truly would not have the connection that I do if it wasn’t for Manbo Sutuni Dahomey. When you see my voodoo products you see her. While I can do a lot; she can do so much more and is my teacher. Products that are mounted with spirit have been mounted by her and made by me. Any other products I have made are through her teachings. Any cleansing, spells, or divination that I do in Haitian Vodou were taught by her; and I follow her word closely. 

There is a lot of information on my website so if you feel confused or do not know where to start feel free to contact me and I will help you be set on the right path.